S A W D E S I G N E R . C O M

About the Author

My name is Wayne Holmwood and I am the author of the Saw Designer software series available on this website.

In 1998 I left a position with a saw manufacturer to pursue a career in computer programming. During my time with this company, I was involved in most aspects of circular saw production. The last position held was CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) draft person, laser programmer - operator. Upon leaving I was looking for a challenging project, and as a CAD draft person I thought there should be an easier way to design a saw. Designing a saw using a traditional CAD program could take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. It was that idea which inspired me to design this program. The first version of Saw Designer was released in the fall of 1998. Bandsaw Designer became available in the spring of 2000. Since its first release, Saw Designer has continued to evolve with several upgrades being released. The evolution of this software has not reached its end with future upgrades being considered.

Between the fall of 2000 and spring of 2012, I was employeed as a systems analyst and computer programmer for a company in the aviation industry. I was involved in developing new systems, providing integration with existing systems and streamlining processes eliminating duplication. My duties also included overseeing laser operations, which I acquired and setup. Providing training and continued assistance helped to keep fresh the ideals of automation, which first inspired me to create Saw Designer.

Currently I am working as a freelance programmer, and have also continued to develop my own proprietary software. I recently released an update to the Saw Designer program, making it compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 (both 32 bit and 64 bit), and providing enhancements to the graphics engine. I have also given the SawDesigner.com website a facelift and added some new functionality.

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